Product Page


Users need to know information about a product as part of a purchase decision or product support need.


Show the product with categorized information sections and linking to other relevant pieces of information


Use when

Designing a E-commerce Site site or a Corporate Site. The site is either a reseller (shop), manufacturer, opiniator (product comparisons).


Users are looking for information about a product. In some cases high-level information such a the price or picture are what they are looking for, but it can just as well be very detailed information about a particular feature. The product page shows the most general and descriptive information first and then allows users to access more detailed information. Experiences: What is the product, downloads, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), features, Guided Tour, product brochure download, preview/tryout. The basic information of a product page consists of: It really depends whether the product page falls into a e-shop or not. When trying to sell the product a lot of the additional 'shopping' stuff is needed which you don't find on simply the manufacturer's page. A product page is actually a 'micro-site' because it has its own navigation and can contain more than a dozen subpages per product.


A product page must inform users before buying it and help them with the product once they have it.

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